Team Building and Team Leadership Coaching

Team Coaching: A Cost-Effective Way to Build Leadership Strength

Team coaching is cost-effective and a powerful tool for building organizational success

Coaching — whether executive coaching or leadership coaching — is often best conducted in a team setting. This is especially true where

  • an enterprise is in its startup phase
  • a team is newly formed
  • the makeup of the team has changed markedly due to promotions or organizational restructure
  • mergers or acquistions have brought new people onto the team

These are all scenarios that I work with routinely. And in these settings, I've found team coaching to be one of the most cost-efficient and time-efficient ways to build strong leadership.

Although I offer virtual team coaching as an option, I've come to expect better outcomes when we hold as many sessions as possible in person.

Face-to-face settings make it easier for me to observe group dynamics within the team and use this feedback constructively.

I've also learned that improved outcomes usually result from supplementing team coaching with occasional personal coaching for individual team members. These one-on-one sessions typically occur at least once every few weeks and can be conducted in person, online or by phone.

In coaching a team, I frequently rely on facilitated meetings, where I artfully guide the participants to find the best course of action among an array of options before them.

A special emphasis in my team coaching is helping leadership teams surface, identify, and resolve trust issues among themselves and within their organization. One of the most prevalent impediments to strong, vibrant teams, I've discovered, is the presence of unrecognized, unaddressed, or unresolved trust issues within the group. I cover this topic more fully in the video below.